The Institute of Scottish Professional Willwriters and our English, Irish and Welsh counterparts at the Institute of Professional Willwriters have been founded with two principle aims:
- To promote the highest possible standards within the Will Writing Profession
- To protect the interests of its members and that of the public
All Members of the Institute…
- are qualified by examination to write Wills and associated documents
- have at least £2million Professional Indemnity Insurance cover to protect their clients
- have at least £2million Public Liability insurance cover, Willtrust Ltd carry £5 million worth of cover
- have undergone a Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure
- undertake regular refresher training to update their knowledge
- are subject to the Institutes code of practice which has been approved by the Trading Standard Institute under its Approved Code
Most Members of the Institute…
- offer a home-visit service by appointment, at a time that is convenient to the client, which could be in the evening or at the weekends
- offer a fixed fee
- offer secure storage arrangements for documents
- offer advice and documentation on matters associated with Wills such as Continuing Powers of Attorney, Advance Decisions (Living Wills) and Will Trusts to protect assets
The Institute of Scottish Professional Willwriters members deal almost exclusively within one area of law, that of succession planning and therefore are not general legal practitioners. As such they are best placed to offer the advice that best suits your own particular circumstances.
Willtrust Ltd’s Code of Practice through membership of the Institute, our ethics and our philosophy ensure that our clients meet with the very best level of service and advice possible and that is at the very heart of our client proposition.