This site is dedicated to provide you with the necessary facts and advice with regards to Scottish Wills and Estate Planning. A Will can be described as:
“A legal declaration of an individual’s intentions as to how he or she wishes to dispose of their property after death.”
Everyone agrees that it is a good idea to have a Scottish Will written so that your loved ones benefit from your years of hard toil and can share in the assets and property you have worked so hard for.Yet 7 in 10 people in Scotland do not have a Will. Are you one of those people? It is one of the most important documents you will ever draft and every Scottish citizen should have one. Making a Will is the only way that you can ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes when you pass away……..and one day this IS going to happen! If you do die “intestate”, that is without leaving a valid Will, your loved ones could receive little or nothing and there is even a chance that the government will benefit from your passing and your estate. The Scottish Laws of Intestacy will be used to determine where and to whom your estate and assets will go to and this may not be to people you would want it to go to. Please visit our section “Some (very) common misconceptions and why everybody should have a valid Scottish Will”. Willtrust Ltd’s Code of Practice through membership of the Institute of Scottish Professional Willwriters, our ethics and our philosophy ensure that our clients meet with the very best level of service and advice possible and that is at the very heart of our client proposition. We provide a no-obligation home visit service at a time that is convenient to you that includes daytime, evening and even weekend appointments. We appreciate that people are increasingly living busy lives and such a service allows our clients to get their affairs in order at a time and place that is convenient to them. Alternatively, you are welcome to visit and discuss your requirements at our offices, whatever is most convenient to you.Our fully qualified Consultants will ask the right questions to obtain the right information required to advise on the right product accordingly. Fees for your required Scottish Will product are fixed from the outset regardless of the length of time our Consultants spend with their clients or to draw up the relevant documentation. This means that you will not feel rushed throughout any part of the process and accordingly, as a Willtrust Ltd client, you will be reassured that you are receiving the best advice possible.In planning for the future or nearing retirement Willtrust Ltd’s services could prove to be invaluable. Financially you may possibly able to save many thousands of pounds. However, it is not always about money. Being content from the peace of mind of knowing that your last wishes will be carried out and that your loved ones are taken care of is also a great comfort to many people.
Willtrust Ltd offer an extensive range of Will options for you depending on your own particular circumstances including:
  • Standard Wills
  • Continuing and Welfare Powers of Attorney
  • Discretionary Trust Will
  • Inheritance Tax Planning Will
  • Property Protection Trust
  • Asset Protection Trust to protect against Long Term Care costs
  • Living Will (advanced medical directive)
  • Executory Services
  • Pre-Paid Funeral Plans
  • Will Health Check


Who should write your Will

All Will-writers are not the same; many are unqualified, uninsured and unregulated.

You must insist on a Member of the Scottish Institute of Professional Willwriters for your own protection and that of your loved ones.

The Institute of Scottish Professional Willwriters and our English, Irish and Welsh counterparts at the Institute of Professional Willwriters have been founded with two principle aims:

  • To promote the highest possible standards within the Will Writing Profession
  • To protect the interests of its members and that of the public


All members of the Scottish Institute of Professional Willwriters:

  • are qualified by written examination to prove their knowledge and expertise in writing Wills and associated documents
  • must operate within a strict Code of Practice which is approved by the Office of Fair Trading under its Consumer Codes Approval Scheme. This includes a seven day cooling off period and an independent complaints mechanism
  • have professional indemnity insurance of at least £2 million. Nothing should go wrong but if it does, you know that your beneficiaries will be compensated
  • have at least £2million Public Liability insurance cover, Willtrust Ltd carry £5 million worth of cover
  • must undertake regular refresher training to ensure that they keep up to date with changes in the law and practice and have undergone a Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure
  • provide a professional, honest and ethical service at a reasonable cost and provide details of their fees in advance so that there are no nasty surprises


By choosing a Member of the Scottish Institute of Professional Willwriters you will ensure that you receive a comprehensive, professional service of the highest standard. Willtrust Ltd are members of the Institute and adhere to their codes, regulations and requirements.

Nobody wakes up in the morning and says “Let’s make a Will today!” However, the fact that you are reading this site today means you ARE thinking about it. The fact you are THINKING about it means that you need a Scottish Will.

Now do more than think about it, ACT UPON IT NOW.
Do not be one of the 70% of the population that does not have a Will and have your loved ones suffer the hardship that this will bring upon your passing.

To receive qualified and ethical advice in relation to any aspect of your Scottish Will-Writing and Estate Planning requirements contact Willtrust Ltd on:


Tel: 0141 280 5151 or Fax: 0141 280 5252
Email us at:


Write to our Glasgow office at: Willtrust Ltd, Suite 92, 111 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1QX

Write to our Paisley office at: Willtrust Ltd, Studio 32, Sir James Clarke Building, Abbeymill Business Centre, Paisley, PA1 1TJ


You are currently on the website now, why not act now!

The simple fact is that everybody should have a Will.

In the time that it has taken you to read this part of the website, someone, somewhere will have died Intestate in Scotland, that is without leaving a valid Will. For those people, the Government has written a standard Will, unfortunately one that will almost certainly contradict what their wishes would have been…